Stepper and onboarding stepper



Stepper is designed to help users create any complex item within Mirakl in a simple way.

Stepper should be used:

  • For standard, sequenced experiences

  • For complex item creation

Stepper should not be used:

Never add an illustration to a stepper. Use the Onboarding stepper instead.


One topic at a time

Do not confuse users with mixed topics within a single step; keep one idea per screen.

Fields must be easy to fill

Users must fill in their form quickly to secure their arrival on Mirakl. Use standard form components such as fields, select options, checkboxes, etc.

Provide enough context and guidance

Users need to understand why we're asking for specific information and how we will use that information. Add context and guidance to make the user feel confident.


Progress steps

  • Keep labels short and consistent (nouns for all steps, actions for all steps).

  • Each step is clickable.

Learn more about how error management works for the progress steps.


Savebar actions are standardized.

  • One button group with Back + Continue actions

  • A third Save as draft action can be created depending on project needs, but it is not an off-the-shelf feature.

To exit the stepper, the user can click the “Back to” link + will get a "prompt before you leave" modal.

When the user clicks the Primary button on the last step of the Stepper, the Async button gets a Loading status.

Error management

Errors are managed automatically by Roma.

Users know there are errors as the progress steps relevant steps change color.

  • If there are errors within one step of the stepper, the user is automatically redirected to the relevant step.

  • If there are errors within several steps of the stepper, the user is redirected to the first step where there’s an error. The user can then navigate between the steps to solve their errors.

An alert appears with all the errors from the current step. When the errors are fixed, the user must save the step. If they don’t and click on the progress steps component, they will get a "prompt before you leave" modal.

Onboarding stepper

The onboarding stepper is dedicated to onboarding experiences for new users. Its simple design helps users provide key information quickly and seamlessly.


Within Mirakl, the onboarding stepper should be used:

  • When a user is setting up an account for the first time

  • When a user is setting up an organization for the first time

  • When a seller is creating a store

The onboarding stepper shouldn’t be used:

  • For standard, sequenced experiences. Use Stepper instead.

Do not use a datatable within the onboarding layout.


One topic at a time

Do not confuse users with mixed topics within a single step; keep one idea per screen.

Mind the number and length of steps

When asking Mirakl users for information, keep the number of steps to an amount users are able to take in (4 or 5).

Fields must be easy to fill

Users must fill in their form quickly to secure their arrival on Mirakl. Use standard form components such as fields, select options, checkboxes, etc.

Provide enough context and guidance

Users need to understand why we're asking for specific information and how we will use that information. Add context and guidance to make the user feel confident.


The onboarding stepper is made of:

  • On one side, an illustration picked from the Mirakl library that must be relevant to the overall theme of the form

  • On the other side, a form with:

  • A logo (optional + can be changed at each step of the form)

  • A title

  • A progress bar

  • Form fields

  • Save/Cancel button group

The onboarding stepper has 2 save modes:

  • in memory (when the last step is approved)

  • in the database (save at the end of each step)

You may add an activity loader at the end of your onboarding stepper.

Error management

Errors are managed automatically by Roma.

  • If there are errors within one step of the stepper, the user is automatically redirected to the relevant step.

  • If there are errors within several steps of the stepper, the user is redirected to the first step where there’s an error.

Last updated

#375: Reduction du texte du Welcome, + straightforward

Change request updated